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Merton has turned off the water supply to the Site. The Site has a single supply for its stand pipes and tanks, its toilets and the kitchen in the John Gray Centre.

Merton Council's published aim for its allotments is to turn off the supply every autumn and turn it on again in the spring. Merton imposes on idverde a contractual duty to take responsibility for management of water at the Site including turning the water off and on to coincide with the growing season and to prevent freezing and burst pipes.

The intention is to protect the exposed parts of the system from the possible effects of icy weather. In practice, this means no water, flushing toilets or kitchen facilities during November to February (Winter).

The Management Committee of CPAGA knows that people visiting the Site during Winter value the availability of flushing toilets. The Committee has explored, through idverde, whether, with the help of volunteers, water can be available during some periods over Winter when the risks from icy weather are remote. However, it appears that is not possible unless those volunteers bear themselves all of the financial consequences if ever the system were damaged.

During periods when flushing toilets are not available, the Committee tries to warn people with notices on the toilets and on its web site.

During periods when the toilets do not flush, the Committee asks that people use a bucket of water from a tank to flush the toilets after use to be considerate of other people.

It appears that only Plot 44A may be directly affected by ditch works.

The head of Merton's Parks Team was at the Site on 21 August and met with the contractors. He has reported that, other than the shed/structure on Plot 44A, all other sheds can 'remain in situ'.

He also reported that he will be working with the Allotment Administrator and the idverde Operations Manager to 'arrange necessary plot clearances for storage of arising materials' and that it is hoped that work on the ditch will start during the week of 26 August.

On 19 August 2024, works will start to repair the brook ditch. Sheds within 1 m of its bank are at risk.

On 16 August 2024, the Management Committee has seen an analysis identifying the following plots as affected: 34A (incl. materials), 36A (materials only), 38A, 40A, 44A (incl. materials), 46A (derelict Andersen Shelter), 48, 54A (materials only), 56A, 58A (incl. materials), 60A (derelict Andersen Shelter), 62A (marginal), 106A, 108A and 110A.

On 16 August 2024, the Management Committee has seen an example of a letter from idverde to unknown tenants dated 15 August 2024, as follows:

"Cottenham Park Allotments gully & Japanese Knotweed works

Merton Council have asked us to contact all of the tenants whose plots back on to the gully. Over the years some parts of the gully have been filled in with soil and waste, causing flooding in some areas of the allotment. There are also a couple of areas that have Japanese Knotweed growing, which is currently being treated but needs to be safely removed.

In order to bring the gully back into a good condition LBM have arranged for a contractor to carry out the work starting on Monday 19th August. The contractors require a working area of 3 meters from the back of the gully. Any sheds that are not more than 1 meter from the from edge of the gully need to be moved before work commences.

If you have a shed that needs to be moved please do so before Monday 19th August, otherwise there is a risk of damage by the machinery being used by contractors.

We understand that this is short notice, but the work is essential and needs to be carried out now. It should be easy to move a standard size shed slightly forward. Any tenants with sheds larger than the permitted size of 2.45m x 1.85m (8' x 6') are in breach of their tenancy agreement and will need to either reduce the size or remove the shed from the site. Regardless of size, all sheds need to be moved on time to prevent any damage.

We appreciate your co-operation."

The Site has a brook ditch (referred to as 'the gully' by idverde) that runs north along its western boundary and then turns west. Plots 4A, 6A ... 60A and 104A, 106A ... neighbour the ditch. In recent years the ditch has been damaged in places, affecting the drainage of the Site.

The works will seek to repair that damange on the western boundary and a little way (about 20 m) along the southern boundary to the west.

If you have a shed or other structure close to the bank of those parts of the ditch, it is at risk of being damaged during the works. However, not all structures will be affected. The Parks Team has advised a plot holder that a shed one metre from the bank is unlikely to be affected. The Parks Team has said that it will put notices on the structures that may be at risk. The Management Committee does not know if this has happened.

The urgency is because heavy machinery (a digger) will be used which will access the ditch from the Site's neighbours. However, further planned development by the neighbours means the window of opportunity for access is limited. Action is needed now.

The works will involve reprofiling the ditch, getting the stream bed levels correct, using a liner to prevent leakage, and dressing the banks.

The Management Committee first had notice of this on 12 August. We do not have contact details for all plot holders. If you know an affected plot holder, please pass this news on.

The reference to the size of sheds in idverde's letter may be a reference to this part of Merton's Allotment Gardeners' Guidelines dated as 'Updated March 2021' and perhaps first published online in early 2023:


You may build sheds, greenhouses, polytunnels or lay decking up to an area of 2.45m x 1.85m (8’ x 6’) without permission from idverde. Buildings must be within your plot boundary and not obstruct paths between plots. We recommend you position buildings on the southern edge of your plot so shade falls on your plot rather than on your neighbour’s.

If you want to build a shed, greenhouse or polytunnel larger than 2.45m x 1.85m, please contact idverde and discuss what you would like to do. We will also discuss your request with Site Representatives before making a decision. You are not permitted to erect any other type of building or structure on the allotment site and could be asked to remove it at any time."

Tenancy agreements typically contain these provisions:

"He [the tenant] shall not, without written consent from the Council, erect, maintain or keep any building on the allotment garden other than ordinary garden frames."

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Cottenham Park Allotments are managed by Merton London Borough Council.

© 2014 by V Morrison, 2015 to 2024 by M Pilgrem

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