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Cottenham Park Allotments
Cambridge Road, Raynes Park, London, SW20 0PJ
Are there any plots available now?There is a waiting list at present. Please contact the Letting Officer at Merton Council.
Do I have to be a member of CPAGA to have a plot?No.
Should I mark the number of my plot?Yes, each plotholder should fix the number of his or her plot in a conspicuous position on that plot.
Should I mark and maintain the boundary of my plot?Yes, each plotholder should mark and maintain the boundary of his or her plot that he or she rents.
A neighbour's plot is neglected. What can I do about it?Contact the Letting Officer at Merton Council and inform them.
Can I have a fire on my plot?Yes but only after dusk, to avoid bothering other plotholders and local residents.
Can I be a member of CPAGA without having a plot?Yes. You can apply to join CPAGA as a Garden Member with the same benefits as a plot holder member.
What is an FAQ section?An FAQ section can be used to quickly answer common questions about you or your business, such as “Where do you ship to?”, “What are your opening hours?” or “How can I book a service?” It’s a great way to help people navigate your site and can even boost your site’s SEO.
Can I use a hose pipe?Unless a hose pipe ban is in force, you may use a hand held hose pipe or watering can but not a sprinkler. This is to reduce wastage of water, to help maintain water pressure throughout the Site and to keep water bills down thus avoiding increased rents.
Can I use a sprinker?No, you may not use a sprinkler. You may, however, use a hand held hose pipe or watering can. This is to reduce wastage of water, to help maintain water pressure throughout the site and to keep water bills down thus avoiding increased rents.
How can I get a key to the pedestrian gates?From the Shop, for a £ 3 returnable deposit.
How can I get a key to the toilets?From the Shop, for a £ 3.50 returnable deposit.
How can I get a key for the vehicle gate on Cambridge Road?A key can be borrowed from the Shop on Sunday mornings. The key must be signed out and a £ 10 deposit paid. The key should be returned the following Sunday. The deposit will be refunded on the key's return.
Can I bring my car or van onto the Site?The answer depends on your purpose. If your purpose is only to unload or load the car or van, then the answer is Yes. If you wish to bring your can or van on to the Site for some other purpose, the answer is No.
Can I park my car or van on the Site?Cars and vans can only be brought onto the Site to unload or load the car or van. Cars or vans should not be parked on the Site for an extended period. They must never block the roadways on the Site, for safety reasons.
Can I bring my dog to the Site?You can bring your dog to the Site, but dogs must be kept on a lead at all times.
What should I do about a water leak?Either report it to the Shop or contact the Allotment Manager at Merton Council.
Should I lock the gates when entering and leaving the Site?Yes, where locks have been fitted, as they have at the Site, plotholders are requrested to lock gates when entering and leaving the Site. This is to reduce unauthorised entry.
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