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Membership of CPAGA is open to all plot holders on the site and to local residents who may join as Garden Members. The majority of plot holders are members and there are some 30 Garden Members at present.


CPAGA is based in the John Gray Centre, where it runs the Shop and maintains the social area and the toilets. CPAGA's committee is elected by its members at an Annual General Meeting in the Spring and is responsible for organising the association's activities. These include various social events during the year (a summary is given below). The committee also liaises with Merton Council on all issues connected with the Site.

The CPAGA year


Events of note in CPAGA's year are listed below. Details of events organised by CPAGA are also displayed on noticeboards at the two entrances to the Site.



Annual membership subscriptions become due.



The Shop reopens after a winter break, on the first Sunday in February. Seed orders are available for collection. Seed potatoes, onion sets and shallots are on sale in the Shop.



The Annual General Meeting of the association is held.



The Annual Show is held in early September.



Autumn-sown seeds, onion sets, shallots and garlic are on sale in the Shop.



Seed orders are due in by the end of the month.



A Christmas Party is held on the first Sunday of December, which is also the last opening of the Shop before the winter break.



Cottenham Park Allotments are managed by Merton London Borough Council.

© 2014 by V Morrison, 2015 to 2024 by M Pilgrem

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